IR35 Compliance for Contractors

IR35 was introduced in April 2000 and, since that date, Brookson Legal has been advising contractors on their IR35 status and obligations. Since the changes introduced in the Public Sector in April 2017, moving the employment assessment obligation and associated tax risk to the hirer, Brookson Legal has been helping contractors, and their Public Sector hirers, to understand the new rules and the ways in which they can continue to work together flexibly and in compliance with IR35. With the Private Sector change now implemented, Brookson Legal is working with a growing number of contractors and Private Sector agencies and hirers to ensure that the rules are applied properly and the impact upon contractors is mitigated.

For an employment status assessment, or to discuss introducing Brookson Legal to your agency or hirer, speak to one of our advisers.
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IR35 Employment Status Assessments

If you are a contractor, caught by the changes in the Public or Private Sector, we can discuss with you your working practices and contract, to help your client or agency understand your employment status for IR35 purposes.

For more information on our collaborative approach to IR35 please get in touch.

The IR35 changes in the Public Sector were met with fear and confusion, causing some Public Sector hirers to take a negative and defensive approach to the new rules, in some instances introducing “blanket bans” upon the use of limited company contractors. Brookson Legal work with a large number of Private Sector agencies and hirers, ensuring that the Private Sector took a more measured, rational and commercial approach, whilst of course complying with the law.

The IR35 changes in the Private Sector are not something to be feared and, if you work in a self-employed manner, you will be able to continue to do so; furthermore, if your working practices and contract mean that you are on the borderline of being inside or outside of IR35, we can work with your agencies and hirers to find ways in which your working practices and contracts can be changed to keep you outside of IR35.